성인 손자녀의 조부모 동거 경험에 대한 현상학적 연구

A Phenomenological Study on the Adult Grandchildren' Experiences with Grandparents Cohabitation

  • 발행 : 2009.04.30


This study reported phenomenological analysis of the interviews with 26 adult grandchildren who had(or have) a cohabitation with grandparents. The research question was what adult grandchildren experienced in living with grandparents. Results indicated that "the aged" was described as generous and wise person, so they had positive attitude toward the elderly. Participants perceived level of benefits of the coresidence with grandparents were higher than the costs in instrumental, material, and emotional supports. The relationship between grandparents and parents was generally intimate. It makes adult grandchildren advocate parents living together in the future. But adult grandchildren plan to get along independently when they grow old.



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