Affine Category Shape Model을 이용한 형태 기반 범주 물체 인식 기법

A New Shape-Based Object Category Recognition Technique using Affine Category Shape Model

  • 투고 : 2009.05.11
  • 심사 : 2009.08.05
  • 발행 : 2009.08.31


This paper presents a new shape-based algorithm using affine category shape model for object category recognition and model learning. Affine category shape model is a graph of interconnected nodes whose geometric interactions are modeled using pairwise potentials. In its learning phase, it can efficiently handle large pose variations of objects in training images by estimating 2-D homography transformation between the model and the training images. Since the pairwise potentials are defined on only relative geometric relationship betweenfeatures, the proposed matching algorithm is translation and in-plane rotation invariant and robust to affine transformation. We apply spectral matching algorithm to find feature correspondences, which are then used as initial correspondences for RANSAC algorithm. The 2-D homography transformation and the inlier correspondences which are consistent with this estimate can be efficiently estimated through RANSAC, and new correspondences also can be detected by using the estimated 2-D homography transformation. Experimental results on object category database show that the proposed algorithm is robust to pose variation of objects and provides good recognition performance.



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