산후부종(産後浮腫)의 호박(琥珀)과 남과(南瓜)의 오용에 대한 문헌고찰

Literature research on the use of succium and pumpkin in postpartum edema

  • 발행 : 2009.12.30


Objectives : In Korea the practice of folk remedies is widely spread. One of the main uses is the utilization of pumpkin in postpartum edema. While this practice is widely propagated no one could exactly define the evidence of its uses. Therefore we aimed to provide literature evidence of correct prescription in postpartum edema. Methods : As the use of pumpkin in postpartum edema is particular to korea, we revised all the medical book published from the 17th century, the time supposed to have been introduced pumpkin in Korean peninsula. We also researched the prescription mainly used in postpartum edema, and the common main herbal component, succium. As pumpkin and succium is homophony to 'Ho bak' in korean it had the possibility of being misinterpreted. Results : On our literature research we found the precautions of pumpkin to provoke gi-stagnatio and dampness obstruction and that it was restricted while the recovery of all kind of diseases as well as in puerperium. The main reason of postpartum edema is caused by blood stasis which when the blood gains its normal circulation, edema is dispersed by itself. For this propose main prescription was Jogyeongsan調經散 type with its main component succium which medical properties are cited in all medical classics consistently. From the literature of "Juchonsinbang" and "Uibanghapbu" we found three different prescriptions, Hobakgo琥珀膏, Hobakgo胡朴膏, and Namgwago南瓜膏 which contents and their medical proposes were equal. Conclusions : By these finding we could refer that the use of pumpkin in postpartum edema was caused by homophonic reasonal misinterpretation of succinum in korean. This research provides the literature evidence to correct pumpkin's misuse and also the necessity of restriction of the use of even most common products for medical proposes and/or at least the importance of being guided by the experts.



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