커피 생두 등급 및 가공법에 따른 결점두 함량과 컵핑을 통한 관능적 특성

Contents of Defective Beans and Cup Quality in Relation to the Grade and Processing Methods of Green Coffee

  • 윤혜현 (경희대학교 조리과학과) ;
  • 최유미 (경희대학교 조리과학과)
  • Yoon, Hye-Hyun (Department of Culinary Science and Arts, Kyung Hee University) ;
  • Choi, Yoo-Mei (Department of Culinary Science and Arts, Kyung Hee University)
  • 발행 : 2009.12.31


Arabica coffee is classified for trading according to the New York Board of Trade(NYBOT) green coffee classification. NYBOT's grading system is based on classification derived from a defect count on a 300 g sample. In the present study, green and roasted coffees were investigated for possible correlations between the content of defective beans and sensory characteristics. Sensory evaluation was performed by expert tasters used by the Specialty Coffee Association of America(SCAA) cupping method. For green coffee, the percentage of defective beans increased. as the coffee grade decreased. Black and sour beans were not found in the NY2 grade coffee out of all natural, pulped natural, and washed coffee samples. Sour and insect damage were found in more natural coffee samples as the green coffee grade decreased. Green and broken beans were found in more washed coffee samples as the green coffee grade decreased. Flavor, clean, uniformity, aftertaste, and overall sensory characteristics were significantly different among the NY2, NY3/4 and NY4/5 grade coffee in all natural, pulped natural and washed coffee samples. The natural coffee in the NY2 sample presented the highest body characteristic. The pulped natural coffee in the NY2 sample presented the highest sweetness and balance characteristics. The washed coffee in the NY2 sample presented the highest acidity and flavor characteristics. In conclusion, the percentage of defective beans increased as sensory characteristics decreased.



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