위상차를 갖고 변화하는 자기장과 전류가 동시에 가해진 $Sm_1Ba_2Cu_3O_{7-\delta}$ Coated Conductor의 자기이력 손실

Hysteresis Loss in a $Sm_1Ba_2Cu_3O_{7-\delta}$ Coated Conductor under Simultaneously Applied Field and Current with Phase Differences

  • 발행 : 2009.04.30


The magnetic field profiles near the surface of a $Sm_1Ba_2Cu_3O_{7-\delta}$ coated conductor(CC-tape) under magnetic field and current that were applied simultaneously with phase differences ${\phi}s$ were measured using scanning Hall probe method. Measurements were carried out along the elliptic load lines with $\phi=90^{\circ}\;and\;45^{\circ}$ for some $B_{peak},\;I_{peak}$ values. From the measured field profiles, sheet current density J(x, $B_a,\;I_a$) and magnetic flux density $B_0(x,\;B_a,\;I_a)$ profiles in the CC-tape were calculated. Using these J(x, $B_a,\;I_a$) and $B_0(x,\;B_a,\;I_a)$ profiles, we estimated the hysteresis energy loss Q in the CC-tape. The estimated Qs, together with our previous results for $\phi=0^{\circ}$ from [9], were compared with theoretical values based on Brandt's calculation.



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