For extraction of the self-energy from the angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy(ARPES) experiments for the cuprate superconductors, the momentum distribution curve(MDC) analysis is commonly used. There are two requirements for this method to work: the self-energy is momentum independent and the bare electron dispersion is known. Assuming that the first condition is satisfied in the cuprates, we checked the effects of the bare dispersion on the extracted self-energy. For this, we first generated the ARPES intensity using the tight-binding band of the B2212 by solving the Eliashberg equation. We then extracted the self-energy from the theoretically generated ARPES intensity using the linear and quadratic dispersions. By choosing the bare dispersion such that the Kramer-Kronig relation is best satisfied between the real and imaginary parts of the extracted self-energy, we confirmed that the quadratic dispersion is better for the bare electron band for Bi2212. The self-energy can be reasonably extracted from the ARPES experiments using the MDC analysis.