초등학교 체육시설 및 교구에 대한 변화가능성과 발전방향

Possible Changes and Improvement Policies of Elementary School Physical Education Facilities and Training Aids

  • 발행 : 2009.03.30


This study is purposed to find out practical problems, explore possible changes and provide qualitative development and development policies of elementary school physical education facilities and training aids. The following is concluded through three rounds of Delphi questionnaires. First, the highest possible change is predicted in that obsolete sports facilities should be replaced and various training aids be purchased. Second, gyms should be established for ensuring indoor sports space and indoor sports facilities should be expanded. Third, modernization and advancement of sports facilities and training aids should be implemented by attracting private investment. Fourth, sports facilities at schools and communities should be exchanged for free. Fifth, sports facilities in the school playground should be diversified for physical education classes by putting play ground facilities in good conditions. Sixth, it is predicted that a sound distribution system can be established for ensuring creative, strong sports facilities and training aids. A department may take full responsibility of buying sports materials and establish an alternative idea for cooperative buying.



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