A Study on the Evaluation of Dormitory Users' Satisfaction with Facility Operation Service System

고등학교 기숙사 운영시스템 만족도 평가에 관한 조사연구

  • Published : 2009.03.30


The Korean government has recently implemented the public policy, so-called the Dormitory-based Public High-School Operation. The policy aims at providing the community-based high-quality education for the high-school students in the regional areas including agricultural, sea-side, and mountainous territories. Since the schools will be open for 24 hours a day during a whole year, they need to develop educational programs after regular school hours and violence prevention systems to maintain stable surroundings for study. In doing so, it is required for the schools to set up a systematic dormitory operation & administration program reflecting the demands of the dormitory users. Most of the schools, however, have not experienced operating a dormitory, thereby do not have any clues to successfully build the dormitory system. The main objective of this research is not only to provide the information on the demands of the dormitory users and their concerns with the demands but also to suggest guidelines to better build the system through conducting questionnaire survey to the students in a currently operated dormitory-based high-school.



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