사상체질 진단을 위한 2단계 설문지(TS-QSCD)의 표준화 연구

A Study on the Standardization of TS-QSCD

  • 신동윤 (우석대학교 한의과대학 사상의학교실) ;
  • 송정모 (우석대학교 한의과대학 사상의학교실)
  • Shin, Dong-Yoon (Dept. of Sasang Constitutional Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Woosuk Univ.) ;
  • Song, Jeong-Mo (Dept. of Sasang Constitutional Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Woosuk Univ.)
  • 발행 : 2009.04.30


1. Objective TS-QSCD (The Two-Step Questionnaire for the Sasang Constitution Diagnosis) is one of the self-reporting Sasang-Constitutional diagnosis questionnaires and one constituted by a two-step discriminant function. The process of TS-QSCD is as follows. During the first step, the testers are classified into two groups: the Yangin(陽人) group and Eumin(陰人) group. Following this, the Yangin group is divided into the Soyangin group and Taeyangin group likewise the Eumin group is divided into the Taeumin group and Soeumin group. This questionnaire has the merits of an ordinary questionnaire with four discriminant functions and a decision tree method. The purpose of this study is to evaluate and standardize TS-QSCD 2. Materials and Methods TS-QSCD was administered to 352 random informants who were examined by professionals. Reliability was tested by inter-item consistency using cronbach's ${\alpha}$, and validity was tested by a two step discriminant function. Cross tabulation Analysis was also used to look into the distribution of responses among the groups. 3. Result 1) The reliability of TS-QSCD was relatively valid. The internal consistency of TS-QSCD (AB) was cronbach's ${\alpha}$= 0.815, and TS-QSCD (AC) was cronbach's ${\alpha}$= 0.832. 2) There was a significant difference in points between Eumin group teens and other age groups, between those of Soeumin teens and other age groups. 3) TS-QSCD corresponded with the real Sasang constitution at the rate of 65.0%. When using 61 questions and four discriminant function as with ordinary methods, TS-QSCD corresponded with the real Sasang constitution at the rate of 74.9%. 4. Conclusion 1) TS-QSCD that complements the merits of existing questionnaires is effective in diagnosing Sasang constitutions. 2) Deleting duplicate questions is thought to be one of the reasons for the decreased validity rate. 3) The lower the validity of the first step, the more we should build up at each second steps a way to rescue the groups which were assigned wrongly during the first steps. 4) This standardization of TS-QSCD would be helpful in making a program for diagnosing the Sasang Constitution



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