한국 해조류 음식의 문헌적 고찰 - 1450${\sim}$1950년대를 중심으로 -

A Study on Korean Seaweed Foods by Literature Review

  • 손정우 (배화여자대학 전통조리과)
  • Sohn, Jung-Woo (Dept. of Traditional Korean Cuisine, Baewha Women's University)
  • 발행 : 2009.03.31


In this study, a total of 70 seaweed names among various kinds of seaweeds, including dried and powdered foods, were investigated by examining Korean foods literature published during 1450${\sim}$1950. There were 14 kinds of sea mustard, 13 kinds of laver, 3 kinds of kerp, 6 kinds of sea staghorn, 15 kinds of green laver, 1 kind of Ecklonia cava, 11 kinds of agar and 7 seaweeds classified as other. It was also found that seaweed was used as a main ingredient, secondary ingredient, or a garnish in a total of 74 traditional Korean foods. The seaweed foods appearing in the literature were classified by a traditional Korean food classification system according to cooking method. These traditional seaweed foods were placed into 6 categories including main dishes, side dishes, tteok lyou and hangwa lyou. Finally, a database was established in order to provide a research basis for traditional Korean seaweed foods.



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