Analysis of Information Adoption Pathways and Strategies of Raising Information Adoption of Farmers

농업인의 정보 수용경로 분석 및 정보수용 제고 방안

  • Choi, Sang-Ho (Research Institute for Agriculture and Life Science, Seoul National University)
  • 최상호 (서울대학교 농업생명과학연구원)
  • Published : 2009.03.31


This study analyzed the characteristics of diverse information adoption pathways per pathway of information composition category including 'information perception', 'information assessment', and 'information adoption' and examined information adoption characteristics per pattern. In addition, differences among agricultural researchers and farmers per information adoption stage were analyzed. According to these analyses, as for farmers' information adoption pathways, while the formal extension type and the situational reaction diffusion type used the direct pathway of 'information perception ${\rightarrow}$ information adoption,'the agriculturist connection type and the systematic approach type did not use the direct pathway of 'information perception ${\rightarrow}$ information adoption' but, instead, adopted information by moving from the 'information perception ${\rightarrow}$ information assessment' pathway to the 'information assessment ${\rightarrow}$ information adoption' pathway, with information assessment as the intermediation. In the case of farmers, information adoption was the highest in comparison with information assessment and information perception in all patterns whereas, in the case of agricultural researchers, the results were exactly opposite those of farmers. By suggesting an information adoption pathway appropriate to each pattern, this study sought to enhance information adoption.



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