보육교사의 주의력결핍과잉행동장애에 대한 지식수준 및 태도

Knowledge and Attitude to Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder in Korean Preschool Teachers

  • 투고 : 2009.08.20
  • 심사 : 2009.10.15
  • 발행 : 2009.10.31


Purpose: The purpose of study was to describe knowledge and attitude to Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) in preschool teachers in Korea. Methods: Survey methodology using a self administered questionnaire was employed as the research design. Knowledge and attitude were measured with a questionnaire modified from Jerome, Gordon, and Hustler (1994) and Ghanizadeh, Bahredar, and Moeini (2006). Of 223 questionnaires mailed out to 42 daycare centers in one district in Seoul, 164 questionnaires (73.5%) were used for data analysis. Data analysis was done using SPSS.WIN 15.0. Results: The mean score on knowledge for the teachers was 11.27 (59.3%) out of maximum score of 19. For question items, the percentage of correct answers related to etiology of ADHD was under 10% and the correct rate regarding treatment of ADHD was over 90%. Preschool teachers had a mean score on attitude of 20.77 out of 33. Less than 50% of the teachers reported positive attitudes toward the child with ADHD and over 90% agreed that the child with ADHD needs a special environment and specially trained teachers. Age (r=.236, p=.002) and marital status (t=-3.661, p=.000) were significantly related to attitude toward the child with ADHD. Knowledge and attitude had a significant positive correlation (r=.245, p=.001). Conclusion: These results suggest that educational programs and strategies should be developed to increase knowledge of preschool teachers on ADHD. Public health nurses also need to develop and implement education programs for teachers at daycare centers and others involved in child care in the community.



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