Purpose: This study shows the prehospital emergency nursing practices, and analyzes them associated with their individual characteristics and job conditions. Method: Based on a survey of the National Emergency Medical Center in Korea(2008), principal components were extracted from 7 prehospital emergency nursing practices by factor analysis, and some regression analyses of principal components(CPR-AED and V/S-I.V.) were executed on individual characteristics and job conditions. Results: The PENs gave themselves higher order ratings for vital sign check, airway management for loss of consciousness patients, CPR for suspicious cardiac arrest, keeping vein open for shock patients, AED for abnormal pulse rate, AED for suspicious cardiac arrest, and AED for loss of consciousness. Age and duty periods were statistically significant influential factors on the CPR-AED component. Conclusion: The results indicate that the PENs were competent in overall prehospital emergency activities and procedures even some weak self-evaluations, and that the standard curriculum and practice standard for prehospital nursing should be developed in order to increase nursing leadership in prehospital emergency settings.