임상간호사의 비판적 사고성향, 간호수행능력 및 직무만족도

Relationships between Critical Thinking Disposition, Professional Nursing Competence and Job Satisfaction in Clinical Nurses

  • 발행 : 2009.03.30


Purpose: This study was undertaken in order to investigate the relationships between critical thinking disposition, professional nursing competence and job satisfaction in clinical nurses. Method: A convenience sample of 221 registered nurses were obtained from one hospital in Seoul. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Scheffe' test, Pearson correlation coefficient using SPSS WIN 14.0 program. Results: There were a statistically significant difference in the critical thinking disposition according to age, marital status, career length, and department. There were a statistically significant difference in professional nursing competence according to role, age, career length, current position, and department. There were a statistically significant difference in job satisfaction according to age, marital status, career length, and department. A significant positive correlation between critical thinking disposition and professional nursing competence, and job satisfaction was found. Conclusion: Critical thinking disposition, professional nursing competence and job satisfaction of clinical nurses are significantly related. To improve professional nursing competence and job satisfaction of clinical nurses, it need to use actively the critical thinking disposition with resonable salary. And it need to prepare the nursing education and strategy to increase the job satisfaction of clinical nurses.



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