영상의 영역 분할과 이중선형 보간행렬을 이용한 멀티모달 의료 영상의 정합

Multimodal Medical Image Registration based on Image Sub-division and Bi-linear Transformation Interpolation

  • 김양욱 (홍익대학교 컴퓨터공학과) ;
  • 박준 (홍익대학교 컴퓨터공학과)
  • Kim, Yang-Wook (Hongik Univ. Dept. of Computer engineering) ;
  • Park, Jun (Hongik Univ. Dept. of Computer engineering)
  • 발행 : 2009.02.28


Transforms including translation and rotation are required for registering two or more images. In medical applications, different registration methods have been applied depending on the structures: for rigid bodies such as bone structures, affine transformation was widely used. In most previous research, a single transform was used for registering the whole images, which resulted in low registration accuracy especially when the degree of deformation was high between two images. In this paper, a novel registration method is introduced which is based image sub-division and bilinear interpolation of transformations. The proposed method enhanced the registration accuracy by 40% comparing with Trimmed ICP for registering color and MRI images.



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