Three Dimensional Direct Monte Carlo Simulation on OLED Evaporation Process

유기EL 증착 공정에 대한 3차원 Monte Carlo 해석

  • Lee, Eung-Ki (Kongju National University, Division of Mechanical & Automotive Engineering)
  • 이응기 (공주대학교 기계자동차공학부)
  • Published : 2009.12.31


The performance of an OLED(organic luminescent emitting device) fabrication system strongly depends on the design of the evaporation cell-source. Trends in display sizes have hauled the enlargement of mother glass substrates. The enlargement of substrates requires the improvement and the enlargement of the effusion cell-source for OLED evaporation process. The deposited layers should be as uniform as possible, and therefore it is important to know the effusion profile of the molecules emitted from the cell-source. Conventional 2D DSMC algorithm cannot be used for simulating the new concept cell-source design, such as a linear source. This work concerns the development of 3D DSMC (direct simulation Monte Carlo) analysis for simulating the behavior of the evaporation cell-sources. In this paper, the 3D DSMC algorithm was developed and the film thickness profiles were obtained by the numerical analysis.



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