Occurrence and Damage of Japanese Gall-forming Thrips, Ponticulothrips diospyrosi Haga et Okajima (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) in Persimmon Orchards

감 과원에서 감관총채벌레(Ponticulothrips diospyrosi Haga et Okajima)의 발생과 피해

  • Park, Jong-Gun (Department of Applied Biology, Kyungpook National University) ;
  • Lim, Tae-Heon (Research Institute of Agri-Bio Science, Samhoub) ;
  • Choi, Yong-Hwa (Department of Plant Resources, Kyungpook National University) ;
  • Jung, Young-Hak (Department of Applied Biology and Environmental Sciences, Applied Life Science(BK21), Gyeongsang National University) ;
  • Park, Chung-Gyoo (Department of Applied Biology and Environmental Sciences, Applied Life Science(BK21), Gyeongsang National University) ;
  • Choo, Ho-Yul (Department of Applied Biology and Environmental Sciences, Applied Life Science(BK21), Gyeongsang National University) ;
  • Lee, Dong-Woon (Department of Applied Biology, Kyungpook National University)
  • 박종권 (경북대학교 생물응용학과) ;
  • 임태헌 ((주)삼호유비) ;
  • 최용화 (경북대학교 식물자원학과) ;
  • 정영학 (경상대학교 응용생명과학부(BK21), 농업생명과학연구원) ;
  • 박정규 (경상대학교 응용생명과학부(BK21), 농업생명과학연구원) ;
  • 추호렬 (경상대학교 응용생명과학부(BK21), 농업생명과학연구원) ;
  • 이동운 (경북대학교 생물응용학과)
  • Published : 2009.12.30


Occurrence of Japanese gall-forming thrips, Ponticulothrips diospyrosi was surveyed from 143 orchards at 11 cities or counties in 6 provinces, Korea from 2008 to 2009. Occurrence of P. diospyrosi was not observed from Jeju (4 persimmon orchards) in Jeju-do and Wanju (12 persimmon orchards) in Jeollabuk-do. However, P. diospyrosi occurred newly in the orchards in Sanchung, Gyeongsangnam-do and in Gangreung, Gangwon-do. Rate of damaged orchards by P. diospyrosi in Gumi, Mungyeong, Sangju and Euseong in Gyeongsangbuk-do (73.3%) was higher than that of in Gyeongsangnam-do or Youngdong areas in Chungcheongbuk-do. A maximum rate of damaged trees by P. diospyrosi was 23.5% in Gumi, while the damage was lower in Sancheong and Jinju representing 0.2 and 1.6%, respectively. Rate of damaged leaves by P. diospyrosi was the highest in Sangju (0.12%). P. diospyrosi occurred between $N35^{\circ}07'50"$ and $35^{\circ}51'24"$ and between $E127^{\circ}38'36"$ to $128^{\circ}53'02"$. Persimmon orchards close to mountain were more damaged by P. diospyrosi. Edge parts of persimmon orchards were more damaged by P. diospyrosi than inner parts, especially in orchards close to mountain. Also, the middle and lower parts of tree canopy were more damaged by P. diospyrosi than the upper parts of canopy.

우리나라에서 감관총채벌레(Ponticulothrips diospyrosi)의 피해지역을 알아보기 위하여 2008년부터 2009년까지 2년간 6개도 11개 시 군의 143개 감 과원에서 조사를 수행하였다. 제주도의 제주지역(4개 과원)과 전북의 완주지역(12개 과원)에서는 피해가 없었으며, 강원도의 강릉지역과 경남의 산청지역에서는 피해가 새로이 확인되었다. 경북의 의성, 구미, 상주, 문경 지역에서의 감관총채벌레에 의한 피해과원율은 73.3%로서 경남이나 충북 영동지역에 비하여 높았다. 피해주율은 경북구미 지역이 23.5%로 가장 높았으며 진주와 산청지역에서는 0.2%와 1.6%로 낮았다. 피해엽률은 상주지역이 0.12%로 다른 조사지역에 비하여 높았다. 감관총채벌레는 북위 $35^{\circ}07'50"-35^{\circ}51'24"$, 동경 $127^{\circ}38'36"-128^{\circ}53'02"$지역에 분포하고 있었다. 감관총채벌레의 피해는 산과의 거리가 가까운 과원에서 많았고, 산과 가까운 과원에서는 과원의 가장자리 부분에서 심하였으며, 수관 내에서는 중부와 하부의 피해엽율이 높았다.



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