From ancient Greek times, the infinite concepts had debated, and then they had been influenced by Hebrew's tradition Kabbalab. Next, those infinite thoughts had been developed by Roman Catholic theologists in the medieval ages. After Renaissance movement, the mathematical infinite thoughts had been described by the vanishing point in Renaissance paintings. In the end of 1800s, the infinite thoughts had been concreted by Cantor such as Set Theory. At that time, the set theoretical trend had been appeared by pointillism of Seurat and Signac. After 20 century, mathematician $M\ddot{o}bius$ invented <$M\ddot{o}bius$ band> which dimension was more 3-dimensional space. While mathematicians were pursuing about infinite dimensional space, artists invented new paradigm, surrealism. That was not real world's images. So, it is called by surrealism. In contemporary arts, a lot of artists has made their works by mathematical material such as Mo?bius band, non-Euclidean space, hypercube, and so on.
고대 그리스에서 발현된 수학의 무한 개념은 헤브라이인의 유대교 전통인 카발라의 영향을 받아 중세 기독교 교부 철학자들에 의해 보다 성숙되어져 갔으며, 그 후 기독교의 무한사상이 르네상스 시대에는 화가들에 의해 원근법으로 구체화되었다. 본 논문에서는 그리스 시대부터 발전된 무한 개념의 경로를 살펴보고, 근대와 19세기 이후 무한수학이 발달될 때 당시 미술에서는 무한 개념이 어떻게 표현되었는지 그 시대정신을 고찰한다.