Since western mathematics and astronomy had been introduced in Chosun dynasty in the 17th century, most of Chosun mathematicians studied Shu li jing yun(數理精蘊) for the western mathematics. In the last two decades of the 19th century, Chosun scholars have studied them which were introduced by Japanese text books and western missionaries. The former dealt mostly with elementary arithmetic and the latter established schools and taught mathematics. Lee Sang Seol(1870~1917) is well known in Korea as a Confucian scholar, government official, educator and foremost Korean independence movement activist in the 20th century. He was very eager to acquire western civilizations and studied them with the minister H. B. Hulbert(1863~1949). He wrote a mathematics book Su Ri(數理, 1898-1899) which has two parts. The first one deals with the linear part(線部) and geometry in Shu li jing yun and the second part with algebra. Using Su Ri, we investigate the process of transmission of western mathematics into Chosun in the century and show that Lee Sang Seol built a firm foundation for the study of algebra in Chosun.
17세기에 서양 수학이 조선에 들어온 이래 조선에 가장 큰 영향을 끼친 산서는 수리정온(數理精蘊)이었다. 19세기 말 조선에서 신교육이 시작되면서 수리정온(數理精蘊)이후의 서양 수학을 가르치게 되었다. 이 때 일본을 거쳐서 들어온 서양 수학은 주로 교과서로 나타난다. 이 논문은 독립 운동가로 잘 알려진 이상설(李相卨)의 저서인 수리(數理)를 조사하여 19세기 말 선교사를 통하여 서양 수학이 조선에 전해지는 과정을 알아본다. 특히 이상설(李相卨)이 조선 산학의 대수학 분야에서 중요한 변화와 발전을 이루어 낸 것을 밝혀낸다.