SaaS 서비스 기업의 시장 경쟁력 결정 요인 분석

An Analysis of Factors to determine the Market Competitiveness of SaaS Enterprises

  • 김신표 ((사)한국소프트웨어기술인협회) ;
  • 곽기영 (국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원) ;
  • 이춘열 (국민대학교 비즈니스IT전문대학원)
  • 발행 : 2009.12.31


This dissertation aims to empirically analyze the factors that determine the market competitiveness that would enable SaaS enterprises to survive. The contents of this dissertation includes; (l)analysis of factors that determine market competitiveness of domestic SaaS enterprises, (2)structural analysis of factors that determine the market competitiveness of SaaS enterprises on the their performance. Results of analysis of this dissertation are as follows. First, the factors that determine market competitiveness of SaaS enterprises were found to include (l)enterprise management competence, (2)competence for technological possession, (3)reliability and safety, (4)customer management competence, and (S)competence to cope with external environment of the enterprise. Second, the outcome of structural analysis of factors that determine the market competitiveness of SaaS enterprises on the their performance illustrated that (l)enterprise management competence and (2)competence for technological possession has structural relationship of imparting influence on the (6)enterprise performance by the full medium of (3)reliability and safety, (4)customer management competence, and (5)competence to cope with external environment of enterprise.
