A Study on Brand Personality and Employee's Self - Image Congruity and Job Satisfaction - Especially for Family Restaurant -

브랜드 개성이 종사원 자아 이미지 일치와 직무만족에 미치는 영향 - 패밀리 레스토랑을 중심으로 -

  • Kim, Ki-Young (Department of Foodservice and Culinary Management, Kyonggi University) ;
  • Ko, Mi-Ae (Department of Foodservice and Culinary Management, Kyonggi University)
  • 김기영 (경기대학교 외식조리관리학과) ;
  • 고미애 (경기대학교 외식조리관리학과)
  • Published : 2009.12.31


This day's research analyzed the difference between brand personality, self - image congruity, job satisfaction and their influences towards employees of family restaurants in order to suggest a plan which would induce researcher's interest as well as influencing diversification of management strategies toward dining-out business. The purpose of this research is to analyse the difference between brand personality, self - image congruity, job satisfaction and their influences towards employees of family restaurants. The survey questionnaires were distributed to 300 employees of family restaurants in Seoul from August 1th until August 30th 2009, and 257 of them were used for analysis. The top seven company's were chosen by base on data from 2009 Annual Dinner of the Korea. Statistics handling of this research used SPSS WIN 17.0 statistics package program, which performed frequency analysis, factor analysis, regrssion anlysis. The research result shows, first of all, the relationship between company's brand personality and personal self - image congruity, it shows that the company's brand personality has higher on 'ability/capability, loyalty/fidelity, and strong' the personal self - image congruity appeared higher. The relationship between company's brand personality and social self-image congruity, it shows that the company's brand personality has higher on 'ability/capability and loyalty/fidelity' the social self-image congruity appeared higher. Second of all, in a relation between the self-image congruity and job satisfaction, the personal self-image congruity has shown positive impact on job satisfaction. Third of all, in a relationship between the company's brand personality and job satisfaction, if 'interest or loyalty/fidelity' shows higher on brand personality, than job satisfaction has shown higher.



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