A Comparative Study of Internet Banking Satisfaction Model in South Korea and Indonesia

  • 발행 : 2009.12.31


Banking industries have continuously innovated through technology-enhanced products and services. Many studies have recognized the importance of the Internet in banking industries, arguing that it has been widely adopted. Many studies published on the Internet banking in specific countries are mostly related with such issues as internet banking adoption and acceptance, security and risks of online banking system, and interface design. Several studies have been done to examine the differences and similarities between other banking channels and the Internet banking. However, to the best of our knowledge, only a limited number of studies has examined the differences and similarities between two specific countries in order to create a new customer satisfaction model. In this research, we studied the internet banking satisfaction model by comparing two countries: South Korea and Indonesia. We conducted an empirical study based on the data collected in both two countries. In this research, we found that countries which have adopted electric banking services, particularly between a country with high ICT adoption and a country with low ICT adoption, show different satisfaction trends. Based on the study results, herein we provide discussion, managerial, and practical implications.



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