RF-Kanban System : Inventory-Replenishment System with RF-Kanban

RF간반시스템 : RF간반을 통한 재고보충시스템

  • 백시현 (중국연변과학기술대학교 상경학부 경영정보과)
  • Published : 2009.03.31


Inventory Management has become a very important issue in supply chain management, because inventories may be used as a means to accomplish the certain strategic goals in company decisions. RFID(radio frequency identification) technology is used to help manage inventories. It is known that the ideal control of inventories is to replenish item by item. This paper points out several misinterpretations from the Wal-mart report presented in '07 Seoul Forum and suggests the new direction of RFID application. In this paper we consider RFID as not 'identification technology' but 'information technology.' The 'RF-Kanban' suggested here is adopted from the'Kanban'concept of TPS(Toyota Production System). The RF-Kanban system shows the easier control for replenishing various items in boxes. Lots of inventories can be reduced through RF-Kanban System. This work develops the protocol of RF-Kanban and introduces the case study for easier understanding.



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