A Practical Network Design for VoD Services

  • Lee, Hoon (Dept. of Information & Communication Engineering, Changwon National University)
  • 발행 : 2009.03.31


Recently IPTV service is penetrating to the ordinary home users very swiftly. One of the first phase of IPTV service is considered to be VoD, and a nationwide availability of the VoD service imposes tremendous pressure to the network resource due to its requirements for the broad bandwidth, the inherent nature of unicast technology, and the large scalability, etc. This work suggests a novel and practical method to the design of network resource for the VoD service. Especially, we explore the distributed content storage problem that takes into account the popularity of the video contents and its corresponding link dimensioning problem that takes into account the grade of service for the flow level quality of service about the VoD service. By assuming a realistic topology for the nationwide IP backbone network of Korea, which is a typical tree topology, we suggest an analytic method for the design of VoD service.



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