DEA를 이용한 대학 진로지원 업무의 운영효율성 분석

An Analysis of Operational Efficiency for the Career & Counseling Jobs in Universities using DEA

  • Kim, Houng-Yu (College of Business Administration, Kyunghee University) ;
  • Ahn, Seo-Kyoo (College of Business Administration, Kyunghee University) ;
  • Lee, Jong-Gu (Faculty of General Education, Kyunghee University)
  • 발행 : 2009.12.31


This paper introduces quantitative tools for evaluating the relative efficiency of Career & Counseling Jobs in universities. As tools, it uses Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) developed by Charnes and Cooper. It finally selects 29 DMUs which are listed on the Ministry Of Education, Science And Technology( We measures the technical efficiency of each DMU with the use of DEA-CRS, rather then DEA-VRS because DEA-CRS not only compares relative efficiencies but also implicitly considers economies of scale based on the assumption of linearity. We run a linear programming model Frontier Analyst Program for the estimation of the relative efficiencies of each DMU. The model also indicates the precise amount of inefficiencies for each input, which mean how much inputs are wasted for a given output and how much the university is inefficiently operated. This analysis helps to give guideline for the organization to construct a futureoriented operational strategy and also to show clear picture of contents of mismanagement for the past. The details of mismanagement are to be identified, analysed and finally corrected.



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