Plus-size 중년 여성의 체형분류 및 유형별 특성분석

The Differentiation and Characteristic Analysis of Body Types for the Middle-Aged Plus-Size Women

  • Park, Soon-A (Dept. of Clothing and Textiles, Paichai University) ;
  • Koo, Mi-Ji (Dept. of Clothing and Textiles, Paichai University)
  • 발행 : 2009.12.31


The purpose of this study lies in examining the characteristics of differentiated body types for plus-size women and obtaining basic data for the wide-ranging choices of ready-made clothing in a consumer's place. The results of this study displayed no significant differences for subjects in their 30s and 40s in comparison to standards by ages but showed a significant difference with subjects in their 50s when compared with the data from Size Korea (2004). Research data in the height and length categories were lower, and the majority of data from the other categories were higher. In order to analyze the characteristics of a plus-size woman's body, 4 factors were differentiated into 3 types with 17 categories: Factor 1 was the element of the thickness of the trunk, factor 2 was the element of the thickness of the lower body and legs, factor 3 was the element of shoulder size and factor 4 was the element of the upper body length. The accumulation rate was shown to be 74.47%. The characteristics for each type were as follows: Type 1 is a body type with a relatively thin waist, small width and girth of upper body and curvy lower body, type 2 is the average body type, and type 3 is a body type with big breasts and abdominal obesity. The standard body type belonged to type 2. According to the correspondency test between age and type, the characteristics of type 1 corresponded relatively close to the measures of subjects in their 40s and relatively far from subjects in their 30s to 50s while type 2 and type 3 appeared to be similar to subjects in their 50s.



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