Expressional Analysis of Glucose Transporter Isoforms in the Efferent Ductules of Male Sprague Dawley Rat during Postnatal Development

  • Seo, Hee-Jung (Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and Medical Sciences Research Institute, Eulji University) ;
  • Son, Chan-Wok (Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and Medical Sciences Research Institute, Eulji University) ;
  • Lee, Ki-Ho (Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and Medical Sciences Research Institute, Eulji University)
  • Published : 2009.12.31


A cell frequently utilizes glucose as a fuel of energy and a major substrate of lipid and protein syntheses. A regulation of glucose movement into and out of the cells is precisely controlled by cooperative works of passive and sodium-dependent active processes. At least 13 glucose cotransporter (Slc2a, GLUT) isoforms involve in passive movement of glucose in cells. The efferent ductules (EDs) play in a number of important functions for maintenance of male fertility. In the present study, using real-time PCR analysis, we determined gene expression of five Slc2a isoforms in the EDs. In addition, we compared expression levels of these Slc2a isoforms according to postnatal development ages, 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month, and 3 months. Results from the current study showed that expression of Slc2a1, Slc2a3, and Slc2a5 mRNAs reached the highest levels at 1 month of age, followed by a transient decrease at 3 months of age. In addition, the level of Slc2a4 mRNA reminded at steady until 1 month of age and was significantly reduced at 3 months of age, whereas the highest level of Slc2a 8 mRNA was detected at 2 weeks of age. Data from the present study indicate a differential expression of various Slc2a isoforms in the ED according to postnatal ages. Thus, it is believed that glucose movement through the epithelial cells in the ED would be regulated by the coordinated manner among Slc2a isoforms expressed at a given age.



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