Expanding the Imports of North Korean Fishery Products

북한산 수산물 반입제약요인 및 확대전략

  • Published : 2009.12.31


South Korea imports more than one hundred tons of fishery products every year from China, Japan, North Korea, etc. However, imported North Korean fishery products was only 4% of the total fishery products imported in 2007. Though South-North Trade as inter-Korean trade is exempted from tax, imports of North Korean fishery products have not been activated owing to import restrictions, insufficient quality control etc. Expanding imports of North Korean fishery products seems, however, to contribute to lessen the supply and demand unbalance in fishery products of South Korea. It will especially gratify a part of fresh and cold fishery products demand. Therefore, we need to expand the imports of North Korean fishery products by quality control improvement, reformation of origin certifying system, import liberalization etc. This study researches the demand and supply of fishery products of South and North Korea, the actual conditions of imports of North Korean fishery products, and suggests strategies to expand their imports. As the greatest reason to oppose imports of North Korean fishery products is the pricing pressure of domestically produced fishery products due to imports of North Korean fishery products, we need to research and analyze the distribution channels, retail markets, sales prices of imported North Korean fishery products to verify that imports of North Korean fishery products has not caused lower pricing of domestically produced fishery products.



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