Elementary School Teachers', Students' and Their Parents' Perceptions of New Experimental Grade $3{\sim}4$ Science Textbooks and Teacher's Guides

초등학교 $3{\sim}4$학년 차세대 과학 교과용 도서의 실험본에 대한 교사와 학생 및 학부모들의 인식

  • Published : 2009.02.28


The purpose of this study was to investigate elementary school teachers', students' and their parents' perceptions of new experimental grade $3{\sim}4$ science textbooks and teacher's guides developed by revised national science curriculum. 63 teachers, 436 students and their 448 parents were selected from 9 elementary schools selected as model schools, and were administered the questionnaires of the perceptions of the new science textbooks and/or teacher's guides. The results revealed that many teachers had a rather positive perception of the teacher's guides. In addition, most of the teachers, students and their parents, especially the students and their parents than the teachers, perceived positively the new science textbooks. They also had various views of the strengths and weaknesses of the new science textbooks and/or teacher's guides upon cognitive and motivational/emotional/affective aspects. Educational implications of these findings are discussed.
