A qualitative study of process of the child counselor's change

아동상담자의 변화에 관한 질적 연구

  • Published : 2009.02.28


The purposes of this study are to search for counselor's change process and factors in Theraplay, and to explore how they are changed into experts. This study used a method of qualitative study to reveal a concrete context of child counseling. The results are as follows. Therapist or counselor subjects realized that therapy(counseling) was not focusing on activities, but on meanings. In the beginning, therapist subjects acted according to the situation rather than according to the child's reactions and their own strategy. It was expressed into long and boring explanations, trials to flatter a child. Therapist subjects were often depressed because of their incompetence, they even did overpraise for the undistinguished behavior of children, but gradually they have changed into expert therapists through ceaseless interaction with Theraplay community, reflection, trial and practice.



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