A Study of Leisure Constraints, Leisure Activities Participation and Life Satisfaction of the Elderly

노인의 여가제약, 여가활동참여와 생활만족도의 관계 분석

  • Published : 2009.02.28


The purpose of this study is to find out leisure constraints of the elderly and to examine how these constraints influence their participation in leisure activities and life satisfaction. The data analysis of 291 senior citizens over 60 years old were conducted, the research results are as follows: first, leisure constraints of senior citizens stem from individual, societal, economic, family constraints. It indicates that anyone of constraints did not exclusively determine leisure constraints. Rather, the result implies that leisure constraints for the elderly is from multifaceted levels of social system. Second, participation in leisure activities positively worked on life satisfaction. Third, leisure constraints of the elderly directly influenced their participation in leisure activities and life satisfaction. In conclusion, to revitalize senior citizens' participation in leisure activities is critical in advancing their life satisfaction. Nationwide positive and supportive social environment for their leisure participation should be established first, on which social and legal systems should be consequently organized. At the same time, social supports to provide opportunities for their leisure participation are required for the future senior citizens.



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