근전도 신호를 이용한 무릎 착용 로봇시스템

Knee-wearable Robot System Using EMG signals

  • 발행 : 2009.03.01


This paper proposes a knee-wearable robot system for assisting the muscle power of human knee by processing EMG (Electromyogram) signals. Although there are many muscles affecting the knee joint motion, the rectus femoris and biceps femoris among them play a core role in the extension and flexion motion, respectively, of the knee joint. The proposed knee-wearable robot system consists of three parts; the sensor for measuring and processing EMG signals, controller for estimating and applying the required knee torque, and actuator for driving the knee-wearable mechanism. Ultimately, we suggest the motion control method for knee-wearable robot system by processing the EMG signals of corresponding two muscles in this paper. Also, we show the effectiveness of the proposed knee-wearable robot system through the experimental results.



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