문양 이미지에 관한 연구[ 1 ] -문양 이미지 포지셔닝 기준 개발을 중심으로-

A Study on Image of Patterns [ 1 ] - With a focus on Development on Image Positioning of Patterns -

  • 유현정 (단국대학교 패션.제품 디자인과) ;
  • 김민자 (서울대학교 의류학과)
  • Ryu, Hyun-Jung (Dept. Design of Fashion & Product, Dankook University) ;
  • Kim, Min-Ja (Dept. of Clothing & Textile, Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 2009.02.27


Perception between real object and recognized subject of human on objective subject is not the same. The reason Is that individual perception of visual design components are transmitted as the image of whole. It is required process of visual perception. Therefore, I developed the vision of seeing image of pattern which is based on Gestalt visual perception theory in clothes. The summary of this study's results is like followings. Extremely antagonistic terms which are specialized by formative characteristics of formative components are clearness and blur of outline/ fixed shape and non-fixed shape/ visuality and tangibility of representation/ simplicity and complexity of structure/ invariability and variability of mobility/ symmetry and asymmetry of arrangements singularity and plurality of group number. The expression of motive shows that clearness, fixed shape, visuality and simplicity pursuit Determination image, and blur, non-fixed shape, tangibility and complexity pursuit Ambiguity image. The arrangements of motive shows that invariability, symmetry and singularity pursuit Order image, and variability asymmetry and plurality pursuit Disorder image. Therefore, the standard of the coordinator of Pattern image positioning is established as Determination and Ambiguity of motive are X-axis, and Order and Disorder of pattern are Y-axis. As the frame of Pattern image positioning, four separated dimensions have made.



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