A Survey on Preferences for Vegetable Cooking Methods and Vegetable-aversion-related Factors among Elementary School Students in Kwangju and Chonnam Regions

광주.전남지역 초등학생의 채소기피 관련요인 및 채소류의 조리법에 대한 기호도 조사

  • Ahn, Yu-Kyong (Department of Nutrition Education, Graduate School of Education, Dongshin University) ;
  • Ro, Hee-Kyong (Department of Food and Nutrition, Dongshin University)
  • 안유경 (동신대학교 교육대학원) ;
  • 노희경 (동신대학교 식품영양학과)
  • Published : 2009.10.31


This study was conducted to survey multiple factors of aversion to vegetables and preferences for vegetable-related recipes in school meal services among elementary school children in order to help develop various menus and recipes for school meal services. Questionnaire survey was carried out with the study subjects, who were 401 children in 6th grade attending elementary schools in Chonnam and Kwangju metropolitan regions. Results from the survey can be summarized as follows: 65.1% of respondents answered they try to eat vegetables and other namul side dishes served in school meal service for health. As for the frequency of taking vegetables and namul side dishes out of daily meals, 47.4% of respondents chose 'once or twice'. The reasons for aversion to vegetables in boys were taste and cooking method, while girls were taste and feeling between teeth. In boys there were no differences between regions of Kwangju and Chonnam but the tendency of aversion to vegetables was significantly high in girls. As for the aspects of vegetable aversion of subjects, 46.9% of respondents took up 'black & purple' in the unfavorable color of vegetables. 49.1% in 'bitterness' and 39.2% in 'greasiness' were in terms of the aversive taste of vegetables. The aversive vegetable recipes were 58.6% in 'raw & seasoned' and the unfavorable feeling of vegetables were 53.1% in 'squashiness'. There were differences between regions of Kwangju and Chonnam with boys in color and cooking method in girls. Results from the survey on their preferences for vegetable recipes showed that leafy vegetables like crown daisy (raw/slightly seasoned) and pak choi (broth/pot stew) fell to the most aversive category, while bean sprouts (broth/pot stew) were chosen as the most favorable one. Among root vegetables bell-flowers were found to belong to the least preferred recipe, while potatoes were proven to be most preferable in terms of recipes. As for fruit vegetables and other vegetables, all respondents didn't like 'fatsia shoots' vegetable and it's cooking method and they preferred 'green pumpkins (broth/pot stew)'. In respect of mushrooms, enoki mushroom (broth/pot stew) was found most preferred and had high tendency of preferences in boys and girls in Kwangju compared with Chonnam region. The study results indicated that respondents did not show big differences in factors influencing them to be averse to vegetables and their preferences for vegetable recipes depending on regions. In order to have high preference and intake in children's diets, it needs to study in reform of menu about using namul or vegetables mixed with meats and fruits that children preferred or applying roasted and fried other less than namul.



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