A Study on the student pilots' Flight Achievement influenced by Correlation between Personality type of Student Pilots and Flight Instructors

학생조종사의 성격유형 및 비행교관과의 성격유형 조합이 비행훈련성취도에 미치는 영향

  • 한훈희 (교통안전공단 항공안전처) ;
  • 장민식 (한국항공대학교 비행교육원) ;
  • 신대원 (교통안전공단 항공안전처)
  • Published : 2009.09.30


This study examined 1) student pilots' personality types, 2) the correlation between students' personality types and their achievement in flight training, 3) the correlation between students' personality types and Instructor Pilot(IP)s' personality type. The study used the Korean version of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) form. A total of 164 students in the year of 2000-2003 completed the inventory. The noticeable majority of student pilot were extroverted (59.6%) - Sensing (79.5%) - Thinking (70.2%) - Judgers (68.9%). Comparing personality types with flight achievement in showed no significant correlation. There was, however, a significant difference seen in comparing personality types with students' flight achievements. Thinking-type students showed higher flight achievements than feeling-type, and some of the personality types combination affects trainee's flight achievement. When both student and the Instructor have same attitude such as E-E or I-I, student's flight achievement was higher than when they have opposite attitude of personality. these findings implicate that the cooperation of students' and IP's personality could affect the students' flight achievement.



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