Optimal Packet Price for Differentiated Internet Services

  • Lee, Hoon (Dept. of Information & Communication Engineering, Changwon National University)
  • Published : 2009.11.30


As the Internet service evolves from the best effort data service to a multimedia service such as a mix of voice, data and video, a need for the guarantee of the quality of service to network services became one of the hot issues for the network operators. On the other hand, the introduction of the multimedia services over the IP network requires a managed differentiated service that adopts a prioritized treatment of packets. This incurs a need for a differentiated pricing scheme for the packets that receive different level of quality of service. This work proposes an analytic framework about packet pricing scheme for these services, and investigate the effect of service differentiation to the packet price for each class. Via numerical experiment, we validate our argument and illustrate the implication of the work.



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