청소년을 위한 휴대전화 중독 도구 개발

Development of a Cell Phone Addiction Scale for Korean Adolescents

  • 구현영 (대구가톨릭대학교 간호대학)
  • 발행 : 2009.12.31


Purpose: This study was done to develop a cell phone addiction scale for Korean adolescents. Methods: The process included construction of a conceptual framework, generation of initial items, verification of content validity, selection of secondary items, preliminary study, and extraction of final items. The participants were 577 adolescents in two middle schools and three high schools. Item analysis, factor analysis, criterion related validity, and internal consistency were used to analyze the data. Results: Twenty items were selected for the final scale, and categorized into 3 factors explaining 55.45% of total variance. The factors were labeled as withdrawal/tolerance (7 items), life dysfunction (6 items), and compulsion/persistence (7 items). The scores for the scale were significantly correlated with self-control, impulsiveness, and cell phone use. Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the 20 items was .92. Scale scores identified students as cell phone addicted, heavy users, or average users. Conclusion: The above findings indicate that the cell phone addiction scale has good validity and reliability when used with Korean adolescents.



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피인용 문헌

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