Development and Application of Case-Based Pedagogy for Professional Growth in Mathematics of Elementary School Teachers

초등 교사의 수학과 전문성 신장을 위한 사례기반 교수법의 개발 및 적용

  • Published : 2009.02.28


The purpose of this study was to develop case-based pedagogy in mathematics for elementary school teachers and to investigate how they participate in the course employing case-based pedagogy. The 13 cases were developed and employed in pre-service teacher education. As such, the cases covered all content areas across grades, and included detailed description of mathematics instruction, questions for discussion, theoretical review related to each case, focus analysis and additional analysis, etc. This paper describes in what ways the participant teachers discussed cases, how case-based pedagogy had an influence on the teachers' own instruction during the practicum period, and how they assessed case-based pedagogy. This paper provides issues and suggestions for the professional development of mathematics teachers on the basis of empirical background.



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