매생이 분말을 첨가한 식빵 제조 및 그 특성에 관한 연구

Studies on the Manufacture and Quality Characteristics of Bread made with Capsosiphon fulvecense Powder

  • 투고 : 2008.09.06
  • 심사 : 2009.03.16
  • 발행 : 2009.04.30


For the utilization of seaweed (Capsosiphon fulvecense, algae) powder as an ingredient of bread, the quality of bread made with different concentration of seaweed powder was evaluated with physical and sensory properties. The powdered algae was shown to have crude protein content at 25.38%. The major minerals were identified with calcium with 8.38 g/kg, potassium with 9.5 g/kg, and magnesium with 5.6 g/kg, which comprised to 19.08% of total mineral content. Amount of essential amino acids content was estimated to be 835 mg/100 g. Content of essential fatty acid was found to be 27,25% of total fatty acids. For the preparation of bread added with seaweed powder, the addition ratio of seaweed was set at 3, 5 and 7% versus wheat flour with same ratio of other ingredients. L value, lightness of bread, was proportionally reduced with increse of seaweed powder. However, b value, yellowness, was increased with the addition of the seaweed powder. Adhesiveness, cohesiveness, and springiness of the bread were reduced with the addition of the seaweed powder, however, hardness of the bread was vice versa. Texture, flavor, color, and overall acceptance of the bread added seaweed powder were shown up significant differences among all tested groups (P < 0.001), that is, more seaweed powder showed less favorable texture, flavor, color, and overall acceptance. Although the bread added with seaweed powder showed a less preference compared to control group, the bread with 3% of seaweed powder was favorable to other test groups, which might have a potential for the commercialization of functional breads using seaweeds.



연구 과제 주관 기관 : 군산대학교


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