변형된 오면체 모양 절제법을 이용한 남성 유두축소술

Male Nipple Reduction using Modified Pentahedral Excision

  • Yoon, Sang Yub (Silhouette Clinic Center for Breast and Body Care) ;
  • Kang, Min Gu (Silhouette Clinic Center for Breast and Body Care)
  • 발행 : 2009.11.15


Purpose: Male hypertrophic nipples can lead to psychological distress and physical discomfort. The authors present a new technique of male nipple reduction and describe its advantages Methods: The neonipple is designed to reduce diameter and height of nipple while preserving the subdermal plexus. After the central wedge excision, additional four triangular section of nipple skin is excised. One of the remaining two flaps is amputated partially and both flaps were approximated using 4 - 0 PDS and 6 - 0 Nylon sutures. Results: Between December of 2007 and January of 2009, 52 nipple reductions were performed in 30 male patients(mean = 29.5 years). Postoperative recovery was rapid and few complications were encountered. The mean diameter of the hypertrophic nipple was $9.1{\pm}2.5mm$(range, 7 to 15 mm). The mean diameter of the neonipple was $5.0{\pm}0.7mm$(range, 4 to 6 mm), with an average reduction of $3.8{\pm}0.6mm$(range, 2 to 11 mm). At follow-up, the neonipple had a natural appearance, with less projection and an inconspicuous scar. Conclusion: The wedge and triangular skin excision and partial amputation are easy to perform and yields consistent results. This technique decreases both the diameter and height of any size nipple and can be modified to meet patient preferences.



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