A Study on of the recognition on the problem a token of parents' gratitude

학교교육의 촌지문제에 관한 학부모의 인식

  • Received : 2009.03.25
  • Accepted : 2009.06.04
  • Published : 2009.08.31


Although the problem about a token of parents' gratitude is restricted by small number of teachers, it must be solved for normal and good schooling. The purpose of this study was to investigate the problem about a token of parents' gratitude, an extent of a token of parents' gratitude, seriousness of a token of parents' gratitude, the experience of a token of parents' gratitude, an amount of money a token of parents' gratitude, the time of a token of parents' gratitude, a compensation of a token of parents' gratitude using a questionnaire to 549 parents. And a Chi-square test was used as a research tool for this study. This study indicates that many parents recognize a token of parents' gratitude as money or gift certificate. And most parents recognize different significantly about a token of parents' gratitude according to teachers' sex, ages, level of school, and type of school. We do not need a vast and experimental revolution in education based on unproved reasoning. If we want to be normal and good schooling, we have to make an effort small changes which solve a problem of a token of parents' gratitude. Our educational policies have to move from vast approaches generated from 'above' with political purpose to more particular approaches based on specific problems and generated by the community.



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