Supported by : 한국학술진흥재단
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- M. Howe-Grant, Fluorine Chemistry-A Comprhensive Treatment-, 83, A Wieley Interscience Publication, New York (1994)
- J-H. Lee, K-H. Lee, and H-K. Kim, J. Koc. Ceram. Soc., 33, 307 (1996)
- J-O. Kim, J-H. Nam, D-S. Kim, B-S. Khil, and B-K Lee, J. Koc. Ceram. Soc., 41, 749 (2004)
- Korean Standard Association, KS L 5109, 1 (2001)
- Korean Standard Association, KS L 5105, 1 (2007)
- Korean Standard Association, KS L 5108, 1 (2007)
- Korean Standard Association, KS F 2609, 1 (2008)