Economic Values for Dairy Sheep Breeds in Slovakia

  • Krupova, Zuzana (Animal Production Research Centre Nitra) ;
  • Wolfova, M. (Institute of Animal Science) ;
  • Wolf, J. (Institute of Animal Science) ;
  • Oravcova, M. (Animal Production Research Centre Nitra) ;
  • Margetin, M. (Animal Production Research Centre Nitra) ;
  • Peskovicova, D. (Animal Production Research Centre Nitra) ;
  • Krupa, E. (Animal Production Research Centre Nitra) ;
  • Dano, J. (Animal Production Research Centre Nitra)
  • Received : 2009.01.13
  • Accepted : 2009.05.18
  • Published : 2009.12.01


Economic values of 14 production and functional traits for two Slovak dairy sheep breeds (Improved Valachian and Tsigai) were calculated. Semi-extensive production systems with one lambing per year were simulated using a bio-economic deterministic computer model. The marginal economic value of a trait was defined as the partial derivative of the profit function with respect to that trait. The relative economic value expressed the percentage proportion of standardized economic value (marginal economic value${\times}$genetic standard deviation) of a trait in the sum of the absolute values of the standardized economic values over all traits. Milk yield was of highest relative importance (26% and 32% in Improved Valachian and Tsigai) followed by productive lifetime and conception rate of ewes (16% and 15% in Improved Valachian and Tsigai, in both traits). Conception rate of female lambs and litter size had nearly the same relative economic importance in both breeds (9% to 11%). Survival rate of lambs at lambing and till weaning reached slightly lower economic values (4% to 7%). The economic importance of all remaining traits was less than 4%.



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