The Structure of Knowledge Reconsidered : Integrated Knowledge

지식의 구조 재음미 : 통합적 지식

  • Received : 2009.07.24
  • Accepted : 2009.08.21
  • Published : 2009.10.31


The purpose of this study was to examine the cause of new curriculum which has always problems even though it is revised repeatedly and to propose an fundamental alternatives to solve these problems. In this study, the cause of these problems considered the wrong point grasping the knowledge of curriculum contents. In other words, the knowledge of curriculum contents is understood as the point of utility rather than the curriculum are constructed as the form reflecting nature of knowledge. According to do this, Bruner's structure of knowledge is of help. The structure of knowledge which is well known existing is understood as manifest aspect but from now on, we have to be concerned about tacit aspect. In this case, the structure of knowledge has characteristics as an integrated knowledge.



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