The Relationship among Narcissism, Self-esteem, Hostility, Alienation and Delinquency

청소년의 자기애적 성격성향, 자존감, 적대감, 소외감과 비행성향간의 관계

  • Received : 2009.07.24
  • Accepted : 2009.09.14
  • Published : 2009.10.31


The purpose of this study was the examination of delinquency according to, narcissism, self-esteem, hostility and alienation of juvenile. For this, setting 172 students of an academic high school and 366 students of a vocational school(total 538) as the object of this study, the measures of Narcissistic Personality Scales, Self-Esteem Scales, Alienation Scales, and Delinquency Scales were inquired. The method of statistical analysis about these materials was composed of Two-way Analysis of Variance, One-way Analysis of Variance, and Multi-regression Analysis by using SPSS 10.0. The result, when delinquency was examined according to narcissism and self-esteem, in the case that narcissism was highest, self-esteem was lowest, delinquency was highest. When delinquency was examined according to narcissism and hostility, in the case that narcissism was highest, hostility was highest, delinquency was highest. When delinquency was examined according to narcissism and alienation, in the case that narcissism was highest, alienation was highest, delinquency was highest. And, when Multi-regression Analysis about the effect of narcissism, self-esteem, hostility and alienation on delinquency was administrated, the variation that affected delinquency significantly was narcissism, hostility and alienation. That is, we could look forward that the more narcissists feel hostility and alienation, the higher they have delinquency.



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