Purpose: Clotting factor X deficiency is one of the most uncommon coagulation disorders. The authors describe a case of cleft palate in a patient with a congenital clotting factor X deficiency. Methods: In pediatric patients with a cleft palate, the coagulation problem is more worrisome, because they are more sensitive to blood than adults, and because postoperative bleeding can cause blood ingestion with subsequent vomiting, aspiration, and airway obstruction. To prevent hemorrhagic complications in the described case, fresh frozen plasma (FFP) was administered every 24 hrs from the day before surgery to the second postoperative day. Results: Good hemostasis, normal healing, and no complications was shown postoperatively. Conclusion: The replacement of fresh frozen plasma was useful in the case of congenital clotting factor deficiency for bleeding prophylaxis in cleft palate operation.