Purpose: Analysis of lower nose and upper lip asymmetry in patients with unilateral cleft lip nose deformity has been proceeded through direct measurement and photo analysis. But there are limitation in presenting real image because of its 2 dimensional trait. The authors analyzed such an asymmetry using 3D VECTRA system (Canfield, NJ, USA) in quantitative way. Methods: In 25 Patients with unilateral cleft lip nose deformity(male 12, female 13, age ranging from 4 to 19), patients with right side deformity were 10 and left were 15. Analysis of asymmetry was proceeded through 3D VECTRA system. After taking 3 dimensional photo, alar area, upper lip area, nostril perimeter, nostril area, Cupid's bow length, nostril height and nostril width were measured. Correlation coefficient and inter data quotients were calculated. Results: In nostril perimeter, maximal difference of cleft side and non - cleft side was 39.3%, asymmetric quotient Qasy = Qcl/Qncl(Qcl, value of cleft side; Qncl, value of non - cleft side) was ranged from 0.84 to 1.85 and in seven cases the length of cleft side was smaller. In nostril area, maximal difference was 69.6% and in 13 cases cleft side was smaller. In lower nasal area, maximal difference was 37.2% asymmetric quotient Qasy = Qcl/Qncl was ranged from 0.47 to 2.03 and in 20 cases cleft side was smaller. The correlation coefficients of nostril perimeter and area were 0.8345. Conclusion: Using 3D VECTRA system, the authors can measure nostril perimeter and lower nasal area that could not been measured with previous methods. Asymmetry of midface was analyzed through area comparison in quantitative way. Futhermore, post operative change can be measured in quantitative method.