Purpose: Several methods of the nipple reduction have been reported. However, the methods described previously are difficult or have some demerits. This study proposes a simple technique for reduction of the nipple height as well as diameter. Methods: The purposed nipple height is marked. A pentahedral design of excision was marked around the nipple. Local anesthetic solution was infiltrated and a 4 - 0 Nylon traction suture was applied at the nipple apex. Excision of the nipple inside both two triangles and a rectangle was made. Remaining two flaps were approximated using 5 - 0 Nylon simple interrupted sutures. However, a part of wound closure was not done in the central area of the nipple. Results: 83 patients(166 nipples) underwent this procedure from December 1999 to December 2008. Follow up ranged from 6 months to 2 years with a mean of 10 months. 78 patients were female and 5 patients were male. No major complication occurred and remaining scars were very inconspicuous. Conclusion: This simple technique has the advantage of nipple reduction in both height and diameter, and provides good aesthetic outcomes.