Purpose: Corrugator supercilii muscle pulls eyebrow to inferomedial direction and produces the vertical component of the glabellar line formation. Current techniques for eliminating of glabellar frown include direct resection of corrugators and botulinum toxin injection. Muscle resection in endoscopic face lift procedure is relatively complex and has many disadvantages ranging from possible nerve injury, postoperative edema, pain and a long recovery period. The Botox treatment on the other hand is much more simple in technique but has a short duration of action. The authors have attempted new ways of finding improved treatment of the glabellar frown by selectively blocking of motor nerves innervating the corrugator supercili muscle by using radiofrequency ablation technique. Methods: A total of 80 patients were recruited in our study during the period between Feb. 2007 to June 2008. A probe was introduced from the supraorbital ridge and advanced to the corrugator supercilii muscle. Nerve stimulator was then used to locate the nerve innervating the corrugator and radiofrequency ablation of the nerve was done. Results: In all patients, there were marked improvement in glabellar frown after treatment. There were no reported cases of any relapses during the follow up period. No complication was noted such as facial nerve injury. No patient complained of any adverse symptoms other than slight discomfort due to swelling of the operation site. Conclusion: The treatment of glabellar frown lines using selective nerve block with radiofrequency ablation was not only less invasive but also excellent in surgical outcomes.