Purpose: Finger injury by green onion cutting machine is one of the common hand injuries in the kitchen. It has a unique feature: there are multiple parellel laceration 3 - 5 mm wide. There are two directions of injuries(vertical, oblique). It may involve bone, tendon, nerve, and vessel injuries. We discuss its management and the long - term progress. Methods: We have treated six patients from 2003 to 2007. We carried out low tension approximation with thin suture materials to avoid ischemia and performed the additional operation as nail bed repair, tenorrhaphy, open reduction, vessel anastomosis, and composite graft. We reviewed the record of initial injury and collected the follow - up record. Results: They were all middle aged - women who had worked in the kitchen. Right hand was dominent over left hand. The ratio of the directions was 3 : 3 (vertical : oblique). They were all competely healed although there were three atrophy, four hyperesthesia, and one nail deformity. Conclusion: Finger injury by green onion cutting machine is a unique pattern of laceration with various accompanied injuries. It may look like a severe form of injury, but in most cases have relatively favorable progress. We have to perform careful examination of accompanied injuries and carry out the proper management. First and foremost, the user especially in the middle aged women should be warned to be careful in handling this risky machine.